From this article you will get a useful checklist to help you to review your driving skills, also there are four other tips to help you pass the driving test.
1. Study the road rules
2. Car buttons and functions
3. Practice Check list items
4. Booking the test time and preparing vehicle
5. Give a safe journey to testing officer
Most people might think a driving test is difficult, but you should understand the testing is done for safety and to make sure you understand the road rules well as a driver. Also, for example in Queensland, the test itself is about 35 minutes driving on the road. You will be given an hour to complete all relevant administrative tasks before and after the test. To be honest, it’s not that hard to pass.
Take the time to understand the road rules and practice all items from the checklist. Use it to review what you have learned, ask your parents or driving instructor to check it for you. Also, there are four other tips to help you to pass the driving test.
1. Study the road rules
Before you are going to have a driving test on roads, you must have already passed the practice road rules test. However, most of the people, even people have had an open driving licence for years, will still need to update their knowledge with the road rules in different states and territories sometimes. Check the links below to study the road rules well before you are going to drive a car on the road.
Links for different state road rules
Queensland: Road rules for everyday driving
New South Wales: Road rules, and video
Victoria: Safety & Road Rules
Tasmania: Tasmanian Road Rules
South Australia: Road safety and traffic
Western Australia: Rules of the road
Northern Territory: Road rules in NT
Australian Capital Territory: ACT road rules and ACT road rules handbook
Be aware of these mistakes
While you are having the driving test, if the testing officer doesn’t give you any indication, you just need to follow the road. Therefore, understanding the road rules is the first thing to learn. There are some tricky rules from my notes, I’ll list them here to tell you. Please check your driving instructor to get you more professional information and also check the correct information from the state government.
Signs 1-5

2. Form one lane sign: When you see this sign, you will need to do a shoulder check correctly, as two lines merge to a single lane with other drivers, otherwise you will lose points (See count lost points to tell you more ).
3. School Zone sign: If the time of driving test is on a school day and during the time of restriction, you should be aware the speed is maximum 40.
4. A rail road and level crossing sign: While you are driving over a rail line, you need to check with you head both sides, but don’t slow down the speed. This is a point you might lose if you don’t do it properly.
5. Do not overtake turning vehicle sign: When you see a bus is showing an indicator to leave, you should give way to them.
Signs 6- 10

7. Pedestrian crossing sign: This sign could be hidden behind tree leaves. Therefore when you are driving around residential areas or schools, you always need to prepare to stop for pedestrians.
8. Give way sign: Check the different situations from the road rules about this sign. Especially, if you are driving at an intersection road, which side has the authority to go first, you need to understand well.
9. Roundabout sign: Take time to understand the roundabout road rules. You should let all cars go first on your right hand side and the cars that are already in the roundabout.
10. Bicycle lane sign: When you are going to turn left and cross the bicycle lane, you should do a proper shoulder check.
Signalling and blind spots
- Signalling time: You should give other drivers enough time to see your indicator and to show it with correct timing, indicate for about 5 seconds. After that, you are able to take action. Make sure when you are changing lane, give other drivers enough space or time to react.
- Check blind spots: When you start from a kerb, lane change or merge into a lane, you need to check your mirrors and blind spots. The order of the actions should be:
(2). Show indicators (Left or Right direction).
(3). Shoulder Check \ Blind spots check.
(4). Steer: final step is turn steer smoothly and keep enough space between cars.

The moment that you are doing the driving test, you might misunderstand an instruction from the testing officer because you might tense up. I’ll give you an example from my driving test to explain it. A stop sign was placed on the road near an intersection with a narrow road. The stop sign on a houses front yard. It was not easy to see the sign. At that moment, the testing officer said “go straight” and he said it twice showing his hand pointing to the front. It was a tricky situation for me when I heard the instruction. If you didn’t see the stop sign, you probably will follow the instruction and drive through without fully stopping first and checking the road.
Therefore, a mistake could happen at any time, when you are not paying attention to the road. Obviously, the testing officer was kind enough to give the instruction to go straight ahead. Please remember, when you are the driver, you need to take the correct action to drive the car and follow the road rules all the time, then you won’t make any unnecessary mistakes.
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