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How to make a standing paper doll [3/5]


Hi everyone, if you have followed and done the first and second posts. You should have a lady like this one, she is painted with watercolor and ready for making her standing board and out-stand her hand. This post will be the third of five posts. The next tutorials will handcraft her party dress and final presentation. The white and pink dressed ladies should follow the same steps as this tutorial.



How to make a standing paper doll

  1. Small scissors.
  2. A Stanley knife and cutting mat (optional)
  3. A set of watercolours. You will need the same colour as her slip dress.
  4. A No. 0 round brush
  5. Handcraft PVA glue
  6. A piece of thick cardboard


Four steps to design the standing board

There are four steps to designing the standing paper doll. For the final example please see the download file

How to make a standing paper doll-- Four steps to design the standing board
  1. Standing board should be 1/3 the height at least to connect to the character. For example, my character is 26 cm tall, the connected standing board is 10 cm tall.
  2. Standing board both wings at the corner ends should have a certain width before the slot. Such as the one here, it only has 0.5 cm on the end. Which means, she can’t stand on a table, it should be designed at least one cm width.
  3. The width between the slots on the rectangle part should be 0.5 cm wider than the flat side of the character. For example, the character which I designed has a 4 cm width front, the width between slots on the rectangle is 4.5 cm.
  4. If the clothes which you design for the paper doll will be heavy on the front, it’s better to stick cardboard at her back and make her front toe a little bit longer to fold, to support from the front side.
How to make a standing paper doll - Standing board both wings at the corner ends should have a certain width before the slot
How to make a standing paper doll - The width between the slots on the rectangle part should be 0.5 cm wider than the flat side of the character.

1 Cut out the paper doll

1-1 Trim her out from the paper

Follow the outline around her carefully while you are cutting her. If you cut her incorrectly and trim her edges into wrong shapes, she won’t look as good when you draw and paint her. Make sure you keep the standing board connected to her legs. Also, cut out another part of the rectangle standing board too. Please keep the rest of the paper which you trim off from her, you will need it for the next step.

About the area between her arm and body, I am going to use the Stanley knife and cutting mat to make a hole first. Then, it will be easy to trim this area off.

The white and pink dressed ladies should be processed in the same way.

1-2 Trim her hand out from her body

After that, get your scissors to trim her hand out from her body. It is because the handcrafted her dress will be placed under her hand and make her look really three-denominational.

Also, process the ladies wearing white and pink slip dress too.

2. Out-stand her hand

As a result, I am going to use the rest of the paper which I cut off her. Get a small piece that is just big enough to go behind her bottom to cover the hole made for her hand. Also, don’t forget to glue the paper behind her.

Once the patch has dried out, I am going to paint in the same colour as her slip dress. Get the scissors again to trim the excess off.

The white and pink dressed ladies should be processed in the same way.

How to make a standing paper doll - out stand her hand

3. Stick cardboard behind

Trim a 21 x 1.5 cm rectangle from the cardboard. The high should be lower than her shoulder. The width will be narrower than the width of the narrowest part of her legs. After that, stick the cardboard aligned to the bottom of her standing board and wait for it dry out.

Do the same process to the white and pink dressed ladies too.

How to make a standing paper doll - stick cardboard behind


To prepare to let her stand, you will need to do these four steps below:

  1. Fold back along the lines both sides next to her legs. 
  2. There are four slots on it, trim one cm depth each.
  3. Connect these two pairs of slots together.
  4. Trim her toe out from the standing board a little bit and fold to the front.

Once you do the same process to the ladies wearing white and pink, all ladies should be able to stand well on a table. Here we go, we have made three standing paper dolls.

Thank you so much for checking out this course and I hope that you enjoy this tutorial. I will share more interesting DIY courses with you. Please subscribe if you like this content, see you soon next time.

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