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Strawberry rose



This article will show you full knowledge of carving strawberry rose. Let you fully understand how to carve right petals rose on strawberry on your own successfully. You can garnish it with drink or cuisine. It's a very gorgeous food decoration.


3 How to, Strawberry rose, You will need

  1. A curved blade paring knife
  2. Optional: a serrated blade paring knife (See the 3 paring knife types and name, at the article How to use a paring knife to tell you more information)
  3. A chopping board
  4. Optional: a bamboo stick
  5. A strawberry


1. Choose the right shape strawberry

When you buy a tray of strawberries, it doesn’t mean all of them are good to carve a rose with. We will need to find the right shape first. Firstly, check the top view from a strawberry, it can’t be an ellipse it has to be round. Unfortunately, you might see lots of differently shaped strawberries in a container. Also, check the front view from a strawberry, try to find an egg-shaped one.

Strawberry rose, choose the right shape strawberry step 1

Our target is to find a strawberry shape as close to matching a rose as we can.

Strawberry rose, choose the right shape strawberry step 2

2. How to cave correctly

2-1 Petal’s location and height

In the beginning, you will need to decide what type of strawberry rose you will like? Then we are able to make the right carving for the first level on a strawberry. Would you like to create a strawberry rose as type A? Type B? Or type C? Please have a look at the main image of this article to choose one.

2-1-1 Strawberry rose type A

If you would like to carve a strawberry rose as type A, you will need to carve its petals from big to small shapes on each level. This type will be a little bit of a challenge to the other type, that’s why I will show type A in this article.
Key emphasis:

  • The shapes of the petals are changing from big to small.
  • The petal height will change from tall to short gradually till the top of the strawberry.
  • The first level is started at about half of the strawberry.
  • The endpoints of the arc of the upper level are always on the middle arc of the lower level.
Strawberry rose, petal's location and height type A
2-1-2 Strawberry rose type B

If you would like to carve a strawberry rose as the type B, you will need to carve its petals equally heigh and have one more level to type A. As it starts a position lower than type A.
Key emphasis:

  • The shapes of the petals are changing from big to small at level three to level five.
  • The petal height will change from tall to short at level four to level five.
  • The first level is started at the bottom of a strawberry, which is one petal high.
  • Remember you need to create five levels.
  • The endpoints of the arc of the upper level are always on the middle arc of the lower level.
Strawberry rose, petal's location and height type B

2-2 How to distribute petals

Before you start carving a strawberry rose, let us compare the position of level one between type A and type B. In type A, we would like to present a bud looking type of rose. Type B is a half-opened bud rose.

Strawberry rose, How to distribute petals step 1

In order to use the side shape on the bottom of the strawberry to display a bud shape, we will start carving the first level in the middle of the height of a strawberry. However, type B is a more open bud looking rose.

Strawberry rose, How to distribute petals step 2

2-3 How to trim a petal

When you carve a petal on a strawberry, you should not cut it too deep. We should trim gently on the skin and turn a surface of the strawberry outside like a curly petal. Type C is showing how not to do it.

Strawberry rose, How to trim a petal step 1

Please see picture-8 to compare left and right strawberries. Which one is looking more exquisite?

Strawberry rose, How to trim a petal step 2

3. Start processing

If it is hard to hold a strawberry when you are carving the top area. You can use a bamboo stick. As such, it’s better to keep the harder white end called the calyx. It is able to help the bamboo stick to hold a strawberry stable.

Strawberry rose, start processing

3-1 Making petals on level one

I am going to show you how to create a type A strawberry rose.

3-1-1 Carving a correct petal

Let us start to carve a big arc on the middle height of a strawberry. Use the point of a paring knife to carve a petal shallowly first. After that, use the edge finish of a paring knife to trim the skin off from the first petal.

Strawberry rose, carving a correct petal step 1

See picture-11 to show you more details about how to carve the skin off correctly. When you insert the edge finish blade into a strawberry petal, the angle of cutting should not that big and deep. Just trim the skin off only, also follow the curve of the petal to carve skin with a crescent shape off. Once you have cut that arc of skin from the strawberry, you are able to turn it out.

3 How to, Strawberry rose, carving a correct petal step 2
3-1-2 Distributing petals on level one

Use the same way that you have learned to carve the second petal and turn it out.

Strawberry rose, distributing petals on level one step 1

At this moment, if you want to have five petals in total on level one, I will suggest you organize their widths before you are going any further. Just gently carve the shapes of the petal on the strawberry first to give equal widths.

Strawberry rose, distributing petals on level one step 2

Shallowly carving is kind of like making a draft of your drawing. It can prevent some mistakes to happen like lacking space to create the same width petals. Once you have the right petals, you are able to trim their curves to be the petals.

Strawberry rose, distributing petals on level one step 3

This the first level that you should have done so far with five petals.

Strawberry rose, distributing petals on level one step 4

3-2 Distributing and organizing petals

Make the shallow carve to create other levels on the strawberry. Please follow the concept in picture-3 to carve each level. The petals on level two with a half shorter height than petal’s height on level one. Also, start a petal at the centre petal from level one, and finish the arc at another petal centre of level one. And so on to carve the petals on level three and level four.

Strawberry rose, distributing and organizing petals

3-3 Creating petals on level two

Once you have the right shapes on level two, you are able to trim the curves to be the petals and turn them out.

Strawberry rose, creating petals on level two step 1

As the petals are getting smaller, please gently use the point of a paring knife to carve the crescent shape off.

Strawberry rose, creating petals on level two step 2

You should have six petals on level two, as the width and size are smaller than the petals on level one.

Strawberry rose, creating petals on level two step 3

3-4 Carving petals on level three

It is getting more challenging to trim the crescent shape off, the height is lower, but you still need to carve the same amount of skin off for turning it to be petals.

Strawberry rose, carving petals on level three step 1

Currently, you should have five petals on level three, the widths of the petals are a little bit narrower than the petals on level two.

Strawberry rose, carving petals on level three step 2

3-5 Carving final petals

At the last level, if you find that it is hard to carve any curve on a tiny area with a paring knife, you are able to use small scissors to trim the skin off the top of the strawberry as petals.

Strawberry rose, carving final petals

After that, you will be able to carve the top tip to be petals.

Strawberry rose, carving final petals finish


It depends on how would you like to use a strawberry rose as a garnish. For example, I am going to decorate a drink. As such, Trim the calyx off from the bottom of the strawberry, and cut in the centre.

3 How to, Strawberry rose, garnishing for a drink step 1

Make a drink with a good garnish, not only does it look good, but the right decoration can help take your cocktail to the next level.

3 How to, Strawberry rose, garnishing for a drink step 2

As we just trimmed the surface of a strawberry only, most of the flesh doesn’t get harmed much. Therefore, even this strawberry rose that has been put in the fridge for four days will look lovely. The right-hand side picture is the same strawberry (at left-hand side) after four days. The end of the petals are a little bit dried out, but the shape is still looking good.

3 How to, Strawberry rose, trimmed the surface of a strawberry only

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